sitting in the airport now preparing to head home, and I still can't
comprehend that my time in China has ended. What amazes me further is
that I spent almost two months here. Sorry about not updating this
past week, I just had a pretty low key time. The most eventful thing
that happened was last Sunday when the lab went out to try to climb a
mountain. Unbeknownst to us, there was a triathalon taking place at
our mountain of choice. Oh well, we just drove to the top and kind of
walked around a little. After that, we all went out to lunch and had
a good time. In China, when someone proposes a toast, it's fairly
common to finish the entire drink. Well, there were about 5
professors and a few graduating students that kept proposing toasts.
Also, they wouldn't let you sit down if you didn't finish your drink.
Also also, a few of the guys wanted to have a couple of extra drinks
with me since I was an exchange student. Also also also, we were
drinking beer. Funsies.
For the last week, basically I just saw a few final sights and tried
some new eats since I had the time. I don't know when the next time
I'll be back in China will be, but I'm certain that I'll come back.
If only I didn't have to study, work, and make a career for myself...
Man, I was definitely planning on spending the rest of my RMB here at
the airport, but in a moment of what can only be thought of as sheer
stupidity, I forgot that most stores would not be open at 5:30am.
Furthermore, they charge like 10USD as commission for any currency
exchange. Well, I guess I'll definitely be back in the future if not
just to spend this extra 25 bucks worth of RMB that I've got
now.Anyways, I just realized that the clock on this computer is slow
by over 20 minutes, so I have a plane to catch.
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